High-Stakes, Standardized Testing Democrats

You might be tempted to think that a law that goes so boldly against established science would not find support in a liberal state like New York. You’d be wrong.

Here’s a list of Democrat lawmakers who stand by the use of a single 50 math question, and 50 English question exam as the SOLE measure of a 12-year old’s academic merit.

Help us fill this list. Contact your Assembly and Senate representatives and ask them where they stand on the SHSAT debate.

If you’d like to launch a primary challenge from the left and would like to discuss, please reach out to NYCandidate.Org

Pro-SHSAT Democrats

Democrat lawmakers who support Hecht-Calandra

First NameLast NameHouseDiscussSummary
LatriceWalkerAssemblylatrice-walkerAnother specialized high school alumni protecting the status quo they believe they’re indebted to
EricAdamsMayoral Candidateeric-adamsReversed his position after his campaign funding was reportedly threatened
WilliamColtonAssemblywilliam-coltonErroneously believes more gifted and talented programs is the answer.
JohnLiuSenatejohn-liuOnce open to reform, now blocking the bill in committee
JumaaneWilliamsPublic Advocatejumaane-d-williamsWent to Specialized high school, and now has the “it worked for me, so nothing’s wrong” view
AndrewGounardesSenateandrew-gounardesStrongly opposes SHSAT reform, openly for resource hoarding for his seat.


20 year Bronx Assembly member and Bronx Science Alum. Isn’t concerned Bronx kids have little representation in Bronx Science.


Assembly Education Committee, voted against SHSAT proposal.


Senate Education Committee ranking member, Son’s firm paid to lobby against SHSAT proposal