Quinnipiac University Poll Finds; Voters Say Scrap Elite School Test

Great news for SHSAT reform advocates:

With support from white, black and Hispanic voters, 57 percent of all New York City voters say other factors should be considered in deciding admission to elite public high schools, while 36 percent say keep the present system which relies on a single test to decide admission. 

Support for the “other factors” option is 50 – 43 percent among white voters, 63 – 29 percent among black voters and 73 – 23 percent among Hispanic voters. Asian voters are divided as 46 percent say keep the single test and 48 percent say consider other factors. 

In a separate question, New York City voters support 63 – 28 percent “changing the admissions process to New York City’s elite high schools if it meant increased diversity at those schools.” Support is 51 – 37 percent among white voters, 75 – 16 percent among black voters, 77 – 17 percent among Hispanic voters and 53 – 39 percent among Asian voters. 

“The admissions process to New York City’s top high schools has become a lightning rod. And New Yorkers say rethink it. They favor considering other factors besides acing a standardized test as the only door to entry,” Snow said. 

“New Yorkers are split over the quality of public schools in their neighborhoods. The Bronx is the least satisfied with its schools. Staten Island has the highest level of satisfaction,” Snow said. 

