Foes of de Blasio’s high school integration plan spent close to $1M to quash it

The Education Equity Campaign, a pro-test coalition which launched in February to counter the mayor’s plan, hired top firms Tusk Strategies, Bolton St. Johns and Patrick B. Jenkins & Associates to the tune of $80,000 total in May and June, according to the recent bimonthly filings with th犀利士 e state’s ethics watchdog. Those contracts cost them $65,000, according to filings from the previous March and April period.

The campaign also dropped $395,000 in April and March on a media campaign that went through Tusk and included $50,000 for video production, $300,000 for digital advocacy, $30,000 for media advocacy and a $15,000 retainer payment to Bully Pulpit Interactive, a communications agency for brands, causes and candidates. That deal cost them $320,000 for the May and June period. The total pricetag for just Education Equity was roughly $860,000.
